Friday, September 27, 2013

Days One and Two

Majuro Day #1 Sep 26th

Arrived at 10:30 AM at the Majuro Airport.
As soon as I got of it was like stepping into a sauna. 
The sun burns.
The stores are much nicer than expected.
Many commodities I though were going to be absent are actually here. (Such as Nutella and Martinelli's adventist champagne) 
The apartment I am staying in is really roomy. We have a kitchen, shower and bathroom, stove and basic cooking supplies. The only problem is the bugs. There were at least 8 or 9 huge cockroaches (deceased) all on the floor and many dead and live ants everywhere. So we cleaned up and it looks pretty homely now. We don't have a working refrigerator yet and the constant temperature in the apartment is around maybe 85 degrees F. 
The children all seem excited that there is going to be a music teacher here now. Which makes me more nervous because I guess that expect a great program out of me and I hope I am the man for the job.
We went snorkeling after school around 5 PM Majuro time.
We saw two sharks, a turtle and sting ray. 
Almost everything gets wet around here. The humidity is so high it makes it a little tough to climatize. I expect to get used to sweating bullets soon.
I wasn't able to sleep easily, but luckily I was exhausted and fell asleep around 10 PM.
I had a minuscule fan at the head of my bed in an attempt to feel a breeze but it was rather useless. 
All in all i am excited to come up with some ciriculum and perhaps even a choir. The children love to sing so it should not be a motivation issue.

Majuro Day #2 Sep 27th

Woke up around 5 AM.
Went outside the room to get some water.
Roommate is also up making coffee.
Oh and my roommates' name is Chase Olson, a really cool and extremely handy guy. He makes his own utensils out of wood. So basically MacGyver.
So he tells me he is going to set up his hammock outside for sunrise so I pull out my camera and follow and get some sweet cloud and sun pictures.
It is now 7 AM and time to make breakfast. Toast and honey. Oh yeah, we have a toaster.

8:00 AM: Scratch that. Toaster 
doesn't work. 

Went to the store. Got some Arizona Ice tea. Had to 
hop a fence because all of them are locked due to a Holiday.
Essentially am having a 4 day weekend.
We ended the day by snorkeling. Which was eventful. We saw 3 sharks, a turtle, and many schools of fish.
I can't wait till I start teaching.

1 comment:

  1. "Had to hop a fence because all of the feces are locked due to a Holiday." (First post)
    I think this needs a check :P
