Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A much needed update.

Delap beach from the water.
I find it difficult to keep up with this blog. There is so much happening around me. New sights, smells, sensations and people that enchant every cell in my being. I am in love with Majuro... I am contemplating staying another year but it seems like at the present time God has other plans.

Me and my island sister Stefanie! I loooove her!
There is so much life here. The vivid colors, salty wind and the constant touch of children that walk by you brushing your leg or holding your hand. They don't know what kind of day you are having and so many times they have kept me from feeling overwhelmed by the constant struggle of trying to fit knowledge into heads full of koolaid powder and candy. The only reason they get
away with all of it most of the time is because they are so darn cute! They look at you with those cute little islander eyes and you forget what they did. There are so many chances to influence these kids and with so many of them around constantly you have to make sure your angel like persona holds.

Storm over head!
Honestly this island feels like some kind of poor neighborhood near a California beach sometimes. The stores have sand tracked throughout them and flip flops are the traditional footwear. The only thing missing may be the beach blonde hair in abundance but you see some Australian heads of hair every now and again. The only difference from a California beach is the beautiful beautiful coral that covers the floor of the ocean side beaches. There is so much to do in the water and since my parents were gracious enough to send me a GoPro I am able to capture most of it.

Reeds on the beach of Laura.
The days are getting shorter and they are starting to melt together. It scares me but it is also a relief. I feel like I have done my work here and I need to move on. I have little to no time of guitar playing as of late and if you know me at all you would know that is not good.

Anyways, hope all is well wherever you are.
Pray for me!
1 John 5:14-15!!!